Good morning RagingBull family! Jeff Bishop here. I know Jason has been messaging you, but I’m taking over today and here’s why:
I’m receiving questions from members.
Questions specific to the agendas of Jason Bond and myself in our new and highest-tier program, Black Label.
Many are interested in a few specific topics…
Allow me to address the most common FAQs.
Q: “Jeff, where can I trade with you in real-time in 2025 and beyond?”
A: Easy. One chat room.
It’s the Black Label VIP chat room with Jason Bond, myself, and our network!
Three times each week. About an hour per session. Plus, I’m always selecting new trades for members in my real-time sessions.
What I’m doing in Black Label is essentially TRIPLING the live trading sessions Bullseye members receive.
This is 3X the dedication to your success via actionable trade ideas, executed in real-time.
Bring your questions. Let me teach you. And let yourself be the beneficiary!
It’s yet another exciting feature of Black Label, Jason Bond, and me, offering unique benefits that you won’t find elsewhere.
Q: “I’ve seen some mentions of you trading both options AND stocks. What exactly are you doing?”
A: I’m delivering more potential for members by sharing ALL of my trades as I open and close them. Black Label members can even review my portfolio at any time they wish.
It’ll look like this:
And I get it, you know me as an options trader. I love teaching + trading options and I always have!
But by adding stocks to the mix, I’m adding a more risk-managed approach to markets.
Stocks often move slower than options — meaning less risk, while making balancing a busy schedule with trading more manageable.
The benefits of trading stocks have been key to my trading over my 20+ year career, and I’ve hit some pretty big ones in that time!
Recent examples:
I’m bringing more of this to Black Label.
Plus, Jason Bond’s beginnings are in the stock market, specifically stocks under $10.
I taught him from the beginning.
And then he accomplished this:
1-3 day holding time. 3 patterns. 20% profit targets.
That’s the criteria, and you can take advantage of every trade with your LIMITED discounted Black Label enrollment!
Q: “Alright, Jeff, I’ve heard about your $120,000 challenge, what’s the deal here?”
A: Back in 2023, I started a $10,000 per month challenge with a select group of members.
$10,000 per month over 12 months = $120,000 per year.
Why $10,000 per month? Well, I figure that’ll cover my living expenses.
Members put me to the test.
I overdelived while teaching along the way.
Took 9 months instead of 12 with position sizes of about $4000 per trade.
The goal of my NEW $120,000 challenge is to teach you with every trade.
Learn my selection criteria, tell me detail the “what” and the “why,” review trades with full transparency… and of course, let me send EVERY trade to your cell phone!
Now, what might be most significant:
Q: “How long will Black Label be available?”
A: You can grab a 50% discount during this launch phase! But when available seats on this page fill up (or the timer expires), this sale is done.
Rates will double across the board, and they could stay doubled permanently.
Who knows if we’ll ever mark the price down again!
If you don’t join at a 50% savings right now, you may never have a chance to join at any savings ever again.
And if you have questions about joining or want to hop on a payment plan, rest assured, you’re in good hands!
Dial 1-443-259-8824 or email Davis@ragingbull.com.
Already sold and ready to hit the ground running?
Take ONE minute of your time and enter your information on this specific page.
Black Label is going to deliver for members.
I hope you’re one of the members it delivers for!
To YOUR Success,

P.S. You must inquire if you missed Friday’s All Access + Black Label flash sale.
Black Label. Bullseye Trades. Jason Bond Picks. Small Account Journey. Atomic Trades. Market Navigator.
All at one very manageable, very fair bundle price.
For credits or to hop on an easy installment plan, dial 1-443-269-8824 or email Davis@ragingbull.com quickly!
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